Parents & Pupils

School Uniform and Second Hand Uniform

Uniform for Brockhurst, Marlston House and Ridge House is available from the school outfitters, Stevensons.


Brockhurst (Boys) Clothing List
Marlston House (Girls) Clothing List
Ridge House (Pre-Prep) Clothing List


Stevensons visit the school at least twice a year, displaying a wide selection of sizes of all items of school uniform for purchase or, if there is a problem with sizing, to place on order. The dates for these visits are listed on the school calendar.

Throughout the year Stevensons provide an efficient ordering service through their website, where each item of the school uniform can be viewed. [Parents need to register online with Stevensons the first time they use the website for ordering].  The school no longer holds stocks of uniform items.

In addition to new uniform, our parent association, the BMR, run a second hand uniform shop in the school which is accessible all year round.  For more information please email [email protected]

Uniform Drop of Sheet Form