Cricket v Daneshill

Boys Cricket 1st XI , Colts B & C (A) 2nd XI , Colts A & D (H) Girls Cricket U12/13A, U11A & B (H) U12/13B, U10 A & B (A) Girls' Cricket Team Sheets Boys Cricket Team Sheets

Cricket v Daneshill 2.15 p.m.

Boys Cricket U9 A & B (A) U8 A & B  (H) Girls Cricket U9 A & B (A) U8 A & B (H) Girls' Team Sheets Boys Team Sheets

The Wellbeing Hub & Teen Tips presented by Alicia Drummond

3.00 p.m. Form 1 Leavers 4.00 p.m. Staff 5.00 p.m. Parents Next week, Alicia Drummond from Teen Tips ( will be visiting the school to present the following talk: Why Every Teenager Needs a Parrot Based on Alicia’s book, this talk will help you understand why teenagers need to push personal boundaries and how to […]